Time & Location
18 Jan 2024, 11:00 – 12:30 GMT
About the event
Kata Csizér’s main field of research interest is the social psychological aspects of L2 learning and teaching, as well as foreign language motivation. She has published over 100 academic papers and has co-authored several books, including the recent Palgrave Macmillan handbook of motivation for language learning with Martin Lamb, Alastair Henry and Stephen Ryan. She is editor of the Journal of Second Language Learning and Teaching.
Description of the meeting:
From motivation to self-regulation: A large-scale investigation of English language learners and teachers in Hungary
The presentation focuses on recent L2 motivation research in Hungary, particularly summarizing empirical findings from a nationwide study examining various individual difference (ID) variables in tandem (Csizér, 2020; Csizér et al., in preparation), guided by their importance in L2 motivation and the Hungarian educational system's context. The study aimed to explore students' motivation related to English classes and their self-regulatory strategy use. A standardized questionnaire was distributed to 1,129 secondary school students learning English, and 32 teachers were interviewed. Results indicate alignment between students’ and teachers’ perspectives on the significance of internal motivation and autonomous learning behavior. However, discrepancies exist in understanding the origins of low motivation, demotivation, and lack of autonomy. Quantitative analyses reveal how motivation predicts self-regulation, a pattern supported by qualitative data. Clear differences in students’ self-regulation toward classroom and extracurricular language use emerged, emphasizing the importance of language use outside the classroom. The presentation concludes by discussing pedagogical and research implications, proposing teaching strategies to enhance student motivation and autonomy. Additionally, innovative methods to explore the interrelationships of these variables are suggested, with a final consideration of concerns in teacher education.